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The room was filled with whispers and giggles. As I looked around me, the kids were all sprawled out on the floor of the church sanctuary. Some had concentrated looks, others were squealing in delight at the progress being made-yet others were waiting anxiously for me to come and see their poster boards they had just finished.

You see they had all just learned about other kids across the globekids just like them. Except there was a huge difference, the kids they had just learned about were living in refugee camps, or fleeing as refugees to other countries-leaving behind clothes, toys, friends, a life.

My friends-the kids in Tres Rios community do not have it very easy either. They are growing up in a neighborhood where poverty, drugs, and crime are the norm. But I wanted them to know that the atmosphere surrounding them does not have to define them. They can be world changers, right where they are- even in this neighborhood.

We explained as gently as possible the crisis in the Middle East to all of the kids. At the end, I asked them their thoughts on what they had just learned. One child raised their hand and said- “We need to pray for them.” Yes, oh yes how spot on.

I asked them if they knew of ways we might help make a difference amidst the crisis. Shouts of ideas began to bubble up out of them as they took turns talking over one another. “They need clothes, we can fill a big truck with clothes for them!” Others said, food, toys, water, medicines, etc.

I was grinning from ear to ear as I heard their ideas. I loved them all. However, one very sweet voice suggested the one thing we all know is needed most. It’s the one thing that makes all the difference. It’s the one thing that shatters darkness.The sweet voice called out ever so simply- “love.”

Doesn’t that just mark you? No long winded answer on love and how and why-just simply stated. It came from a place of pure innocence, a perfect resting place of hope.

So we got out the poster board and crayons and let their imaginations take them away.Tears sprang to my eyes as they were met with smiles, enthusiasm and creativity.


I was so impacted. They weren’t sad, scared or consumed with a dooming sense of helplessness. There in the midst of glitter and glue, crayons and markers- change was happening.  A change coming from little minds working away and I saw what God sees- faith like a child.

To a child, faith is so easy- so simple. In one child’s mind, why not drive a truck full of clothes to Syria from Costa Rica?! To him, this child-distance, money and time have no factor. Their hope was contagious. They were not focussing on their own lack of clothes, some even suggested they could run home and grab (what little they had) of their own clothes to give away.

What would the world be like if children were consulted more on world affairs? The innocent responses while so simple, are often the most accurate. We forget that some of the greatest answers are found within a simple idea.

Oh I know there seems to be a lot of complexity in the world today. Between social media, world news and local news-anger and hate are loud. But not this day, this day the kids chose hope and love. At the end of the day-hope and love are louder.

The energy in the sanctuary was exciting as the kids of all different ages were full of ideas, of hope. And there, I felt it. I mean I really felt it-the energy in compassion. It’s transformational. We stop thinking about the sadness and the despair. We stop thinking about the lack and the worry. We simply start thinking like Jesus. Our hearts beat hard for Him-for His hope.

We are praying and loving our family in Iraq all the way from Tres Rios Cartago, Costa Rica. And we are excited to announce that in December, we will be sending our small gift of love over to our friends at Love Does to sponsor their work with kids in Iraq!!




Post by Executive Director, Anna Carroll


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Writing papers about literary works, feminism, and cultural issues for college was part of my routine for several years. I tried so hard to convince my professors that my writing skills were worthy and my arguments were valid. I graduated from college some weeks ago and many things have changed so far. But honestly, even writing for you seems difficult because it makes me feel vulnerable. So, if I turn my vulnerability to Jesus, I feel free. He whispered “Fabi, write to me, express your thoughts to me,” then the creativity flowed like a river. I just needed to touch base with him and let him know how thankful I am for what he has done.

His ways are incredible because they are not as limited as mine. It’s interesting to look back to the time God taught me about human trafficking and modern day slavery for the first time. It was through a school project that I knew about this issue and about LightForce. I love the way God brought me to LFI, although I had no idea about his plans. The way he introduced some beautiful strangers to me; strangers that I consider my family now and encourage and champion me every time I need it. And even though I had many misconceptions about prostitution or human trafficking, he trained me through his mercy and his love.

I feel so grateful because God has been giving me a new identity as his daughter while I love on and grab coffee with these men and women who are slaves of fear and sin just as I once was. When I feel frustrated he reminds me he cares more about them than I can possibly care in my imperfection. He is working on their lives as he works on mine.

I appreciate how God brings words like – process, story, vulnerability, justice, freedom – to my mind because they become stronger every single morning when I open my eyes. He has been giving me a new understanding of his word. Jesus said that blessed are those who mourn and suffer because they will be comforted by him. How grateful we need to be for those struggles and trials because he takes us by his hand through this journey while he refines our hearts as gold with the other hand. And although this healing process might hurt, it’s okay because he is making us new creatures, new vessels.

I want Jesus to be the protagonist of my story. I want to get rid of this filthy ego. Now I understand that we are called to love on people no matter their sins and conditions. No matter if they are pastors, prostitutes, pimps or politicians. It really doesn’t matter who gets the recognition of “saving victims” because God saved everyone equally. We are his instruments; he invests in us with an everlasting love so we can invest in others. We just need to starve for righteousness and justice, so we can be filled with him.

In the last weeks he has reminded me the way he loved David; the way God chose him to lead his people. Even though David was only a shepherd to the eyes of the world, David truly knew who he was in God. He understood the process of strengthening his faith by killing the lion and the bear before he killed the giant. We just need to love on people and destroy our ego and fears in order to kill this giant called slavery. This is God’s battle and we are part of it.